Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Mobile Pics

Here are some more recent pics of Dawson. The top one was taken yesterday and get older as you scroll down. (I know backwards huh) These were all taken from our cell phones so they are not the best, I still need to post the good ones we have but I have not gotten that far. I hope you enjoy them anyways.

Rusty is so good with Dawson, he protects him and loves him. It really is the sweetest thing you could ever see. Here he is asleep by him yesterday.

Dawson Sleeping with Grandpa Bruce, it is so tender! My parents are loving this whole grandparents thing!

He loves his vibrating chairs! Here he is enjoying it, one second before this picture he was screaming!

He loves to stick his tounge out, telling me he his hungry!

I love his expressions!

This is the day we brought him home. He has grown so much in the past month.

Here he is leaving the hospital. It was such a long stay we couldn't wait to take him home. Well we went to my parents house for extra help because I was still not feeling well, it was so nice to have the help.

Here is one of his first pictures. He is so adorable! A little bird-like but still adorable!


Jessica said...

I need to hold him RIGHT NOW! Why am I so far away??? He is adorable and I am glad you are feeling better.

Sarah F said...

oh my gosh he is SOO cute! love it love it

Tiffany Noyes said...

He is so sweet, I need to come visit again :) I noticed the bouncer in there...I'm glad you like it. How's work going? still liking it? call me we need to hang out again.