Friday, March 27, 2009

Not So Good Idea!

He is so CUTE.....

...but super bored! Me and Jared had this great idea to put a huge box up where Rusty has been getting out of our yard, (the garbage can worked really well but we had to put it out on the street so it could be picked up) and this is what happened to the "great idea" we had. At least he made the box into smaller pieces so we could get it all in the garbage. But it did take us forever to clean up!

1 comment:

Brittany Owens said...

I am glad that I found your blog through Lynsey. I am laughing hysterically about your dog. I know not funny for you guys, but I am just glad I wasn't in that situation. But just look at his little puppy eyes. I like Depeche Mode as well. Good song choices. I didn't even know you were expecting. Congrats! When are you due?